Into the Void: A Journey of Longing, Love and Eros

somatic psychotherapy

Lisa Loustaunau MFA, ACCEP

In the 2016 Winter Issue (Volume 6, Issue 1) of the magazine Somatic Psychotherapy Today, Lisa had an article published where she encourages us to open ourselves to life.

Here is an excerpt:

For the adult, the journey of consciousness requires us to embrace what we have disowned. By recovering our lost energy we can bring more of ourselves to our next step. This is a YES to all of who we are. It includes an awareness of all the ways we have said NO to ourselves along the way, or are still saying no, consciously or unconsciously; not with shame but with humility and a willingness to face ourselves fully. In so doing, we take full responsibility. There is enormous power in this. No longer attached to blaming others for what is unfulfilled in us, we can center ourselves in our essential creativity. Courage and willingness to explore the territory within simultaneously generates a parallel willingness to take bigger risks in our outer life. It is a beautiful experience to feel the ongoing interconnection of energy within and without. It is the gift of deep work on the self.

Lisa Loustaunau MFA, ACCEP, was Academic Director at the Institute of Core Energetics from 2011-2017. In private practice for 20+ years, she is also an international workshop leader, process facilitator, teacher and supervisor of Core Energetics practitioners in the USA, Canada, Holland, Australia, Brazil and Mexico. Lisa is currently working on a book entitled Out of the Comfort Zone: Overcoming the Blocks to Living and Loving.


Click Here to read the full article: