Find a Core Energetics Practitioner near you! If your search does not help you find a practitioner in your local area, remember  that some practitioners offer sessions by video and/or phone. You can also contact our office if you need more help finding a practitioner.

For a more affordable option, you can email to request a referral to a practitioner in training.

As a professional training school, the Institute can confirm that its graduates have reached a very high level of skill. As a result, each graduate is qualified to be a Core Energetics Practitioner. However, please note that the Institute neither recommends nor endorses any individual practitioner. In addition, Certified Core Energetics Practitioners, program graduates and/or student practitioners, are responsible for their own actions, ethics, and levels of professionalism. Therefore, if you decide to consult anyone in this directory, we recommend that you take the time to:

  • Ask questions
  • Meet the practitioner
  • Have an exploratory session to begin your work

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