Call for Nominations for the Student Representative to the Board

August 23, 2022

Dear Students of the Institute of Core Energetics (Institute),

The Nominations Committee is seeking recommendations of qualified candidates to join the Institute’s non-profit Board of Directors (Board), which presently includes: Sherri Brown, Barry Coleman, Aimee Falchuk (Faculty Rep), Nico Guillermo (Student Rep), Teressa Moore Griffin (Chair), Rondo Moses (Treasurer), Aari Seitz, Truong Vo, Erika Worthy, Lindsay Ngidiwe (Executive Director, non-voting) and Jim Johnston (Academic Director, non-voting).

The Board advances the Institute’s mission, sets and measures goals, ensures mission-program alignment, and works to supports the vitality of Core Energetics/body-based healing for future generations by: Ensuring the availability of adequate financial &
human resources (staff and consultants).

Approving annual budgets, monitoring fiscal health and financial reports, and fundraising.

Governing the organization through clear policies and procedures.

Participating in the ongoing work of a Board Committee/s.

Selecting, supporting and reviewing the performance of the Executive Director. Being accountable to the Core Community for organizational performance.

With Nico completing his 2nd term on the Board, the Institute is seeking to fill the Student Representative seat on the Board of Directors over the summer to support the new Student Rep. beginning her/his/their initial term on October 1, 2022. This individual serves as an “Ambassador” to the student body and provides input into Board (non-operational) activities. The Student Rep. is eligible to serve two consecutive, one-year terms, for a maximum term of 2 years. This is intentionally designed to support more students having this opportunity to contribute.

Students can self-nominate or be nominated by others. Prior to nominating another student, please secure their consent. Thanks for talking with candidates to secure their input when filling out the Nominations Form (attached). Please note that Institute Faculty members are not eligible to nominate students for this role.

Questions or requests for additional information should be addressed to Lindsay Ngidiwe, Executive Director, at 224-281-9124 or by email to Please complete the Nominations Form HERE as nominations are now open. Applications will be responded to on a first-come, first-served basis.

Thank you for your time, consideration and assistance with this important endeavor.



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